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Extra Works

Photo Integration

This project was done as my final for my Color Theory class, which is one of the foundation classes that we're required to take at SCAD.

Everybody was to apply their knowledge about color to a project related to their own fields. So I decided to introduce myself into five pictures that I found interesting and unusual. This would make me use my knowledge about color when color correcting and develop more my understanding of light and Photoshop skills. My goal was, of course, to make it look as realistic as possible.

The pictures of me were taken in a studio in order to match the lighting as close as possible to the other ones.

Gian Ignacio


Original Images

Final Images


Tints and Shades

Created for my Color Theory class in order to illustrate the difference between tints and shades.

I composed two main images (the road and the girl walking), and then added more things to the background. 

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